Work Order Account Name(Required) Please provide your account name (Seller Name)Recipient Name If different than your business, please provide the name that will arrive on the package. This should not be Oh Hey OA.Vendor Name(Required) Vendor (Tell us who the order is from) Example: Walmart, Target, etc..Product ASINs(Required) By supplying the ASINs your products are intended for, you are helping OHOA to spot discrepancies and incorrect products quickly.Number of Units(Required)How many units did you order of the ASIN?Multi-Pack Size(Required)Is this a multi-pack or a bundle? If so, what size is it (i.e. a 2-pack, 3-pack, etc.). If it is not a multi-pack, simply put 1.Order/Invoice ID If known, please enter the Order / Invoice ID from the vendor.Special Requests If the ASIN is a bundle, please let us know the expected items to bundle. If there are any other concerns, please indicate that here.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ